Alex and I on the merry go round at Greenfield Village. I think he enjoyed his time there, and I'm sure we'll be visiting again. Lots more to see.
Alex on the approach...
Getting on board....
And he is off. He does enjoy trying to stand up on the seat and hold on to the back of the car, but we are trying to detour this kind of actions.
Alex's Nana got him this kitchen at a garage sale. He couldn't wait for Daddy to put it together before he had to play with it.
Fun with hats at Meijer
Oh Yeah!!!
Alex has learned to drink from a cup. So we found him a little cup just his size. Granted we only put a little water in at a time because most of the time he tips it before he gets it to his lips. :)
So proud of himself.
Alex petting Link. Trying to get his dark blue outfit all white.
Alex playing with his kitchen. We gave him a book to stand on so he doesn't have to stand on his tippy toes the whole time. He has also started stealing things out of my kitchen to put into his. At least I know where to find them. :)
I have these inserts for my nursing bra that Alex likes to find and put on his head. He puts it on and then shakes his head back and forth until it falls off.
So you can't see it very well but Alex's shirt is soaked. The cup in his hand was full of water when he got it off the table to try and drink from it. Well he is the winner of this wet t-shirt contest.
Alex's summer big boy PJ's. Not a bad find for 50 cents.
Our neighbor just gave Alex this chair yesterday. He loves it. I keep wanting to say, and have said, "CUT!" when he gets into it. Alex has really started to climb on anything he can. He climbed on any chair that is low enough, and also our fire place mantel. This kid has no fear.