Saturday, March 21, 2015

Times are changing

My mother and Dave came over to visit and Dave and Alex had a nice time reading books in the big rocking chair.  Alex loves to read books in that chair.  Anyone in that chair needs to read a book to him, them's the rules. :)

Alex figures why reach in the basket for toys when you can just climb in and have all the toys at once.

Alex has been learning his letters lately and we got him this fancy puzzle to help and it's been working.  Alex now knows about 95% of his letters by sight, which is pretty awesome.  He's also able to count to 3.

Alex really enjoys playing with my friends daughter M.  He loves going to their house and they could run around for hours together.  It's pretty great.

One day I was laying in bed because I was just so tired, but Alex can't leave someone alone on a bed.  So we got these cute pictures of each other.  I love this kid. 


Alex and I enjoying our last Red Robin meal for a while.  Don't think we'll be venturing out to a place to eat for a while.

On March 9th we were graced with a new family member.  My water broke at about 12:30 at night and we headed to the hospital after my sister arrived.  I was 4cm when I was admitted at 3am, and by 7am I was still 4cm even after all the fun of laboring for 4 hours.  So I got an epidural in preparation for having possibly another C-section and tried to relax a bit.  So at 11 they checked me again and I was at 8cm and started to prep the room for delivery, and by 12pm the baby had descended low enough for me to start pushing.  And at 1:03pm we had our second baby boy, Evan Andrew Baker. :)

And here he is... all 8lb 10oz and 21 inches of him.

So within 24 hours Evan started to exhibit signs of jaundice so he had to be put under the blue lights and given an IV for two days while they made sure the fever he had at birth wasn't due to an infection.   

So Thursday we finally got the go ahead to head home.

Alex and Evan were fast friends.  Alex enjoys kissing Evan on the head and I think they will really enjoy being brothers.

Alex enjoys eating his "E" as he calls it, we call it cereal.

Alex lining up his cars for a race.

My good friend Kristi crocheted this hat for Evan.  So cute! 

Evan getting ready to go to the doctors.

Papa and Grandma Jodi visiting their latest grandchild.

Evan looking cute.

Evan checking out Daddy.

The boys playing on the floor together.

Alex enjoying the penny ride at Meijer.  We need to start getting used to him running free while we are shopping.

Evan was enjoying some time on his playmat and I told Alex we should get him a toy or two.  Alex ended up making a few trips back and forth giving Evan all kinds of things.

Then he decided to lay down on the floor and join in the fun with Evan.

Keeping Busy is our middle name

We joined some friends for bowling, turns out the boys really enjoy it. Evan is already perfecting his form. Eliza tries really hard to get ...