Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Lots cooking this month

Evan and I took a walk one day and I had my MP3 player. After a while he asked about it and I let him have one headphone while I had the other as we walked. Now he is really wanting his own. This is him listening to music on my old old MP3 player on the way to the bus. 

Keeping the kids busy by helping me in the kitchen. 

Eliza helping me with cookies.

Alex and Evan got their COVID vaccines and Alex was not feeling well at his belly button check up. So he laid down, and of course Eliza needed to follow suit. I covered them both up with my jacket and they rested. All is well and they are healing nicely.

Evan needed to be carried home from the bus by Mike the day after his COVID shot. Poor little guys.

Mike was able to visit with his mom for their birthday, which is always nice. 

Evan hard at work.

We got enough snow for the kids to make snowmen.

Alex is doing the expression of his snow man.

Everyone came in for a carrot for the nose.

The kids can't get enough of this card game Mayhem, Eliza askes to play it ALL THE TIME!


Evan came down with his new art set and in his suit and said "I'm ready for work!"

Evan got a new cookbook for Christmas and he is making  the pizza breadsticks out of it.

He really liked them.

No books too big not book is too small, this kid will read them ALL! He is a reading machine. You give him a book and think he'll be a while with it, next day "That was good, what's next?"

We went to see Santa

They all read their lists to him and his wife

Eliza made drawings

As we were driving home Eliza kept saying "That Santa was FAKE! He had FAKE beard! I can smell his Fake beard on my coat!" But who cares that they were super friendly and nice and have a super cute shack all Christmas's up!

So glad we went. 

Morning Kindle time

Uncle Geoff came over for breakfast dressed to the 9s for us. So the boys wanted to see if the shirt fit them better, I'm not sure who won. 

Christmas Cookies!


Turned out lovely

Children's program at church. Eliza was Mary and Evan was Joseph and Alex was a shepherd. 

Antie Em and Lila came for a visit to make cookies. All the kids got aprons and hats. Very useful!

We introduced Lila to throwing Squigs (suction cups) at the windows. 

On Dec. 20th we lost our Opa, he pass away peacefully at home.

Having a bit of  a rest. 

Why oh why did I buy these foam activities? Because the kids love them.

We built a train and a train station one morning.

Merry Christmas from the Bakers

We had a nice Christmas with the Wade family and my Dad and Jodi.

Always nice to share a meal together.

Ladies table

We went to the Detroit Zoo Lights, and it was pretty cool. It was really slushy and snowing, so we were really wet upon getting back to the car. I had to have the kids take their outer shells off before entering the vehicle.

Eliza grew some crystals on a unicorn head and then painted it. She wants to be a painter when she grows up.

Evan is doing great at sewing his little critters he got for Christmas.

More Snow!

Orchids are blooming

Onion sprouts are up and we are excited!

I bought some crystals and put them in our front window to brighten our life. We are really enjoying the rainbows.

Alex was a teenager for his parents Eliza and Evan one day. This is Alex's teenager look.

Beautiful sunrise on the way to the bus one day.

Eliza finished her crystal unicorn and I'm working on embroidering her unicorn pillowcases.

COVID booster did not treat me well. Down for 3 days and my arm was not happy with me.

Evan working on making scones from his recipe book.

James turned 16!

Finally convinced Alex to get a haircut. I told him I could keep the top longer.

So goes one, so goes the other. 

D&D with Alex and Mike. They look so intense. 

Eliza made her own creation. She thought it up in the car while dropping off Alex, and then wouldn't leave me alone until I bought the stuff that went in it. So here she is cutting up banana to put in her strawberry puree. 


She loved it!

Evan helped me make a Brussel sprout salad one night.

It was a lovely meal.

Evan at it again, making his own homemade buiscuits.

Stuffing them with a hotdog and cheese he grated himself. 

Apples as our side.

A wonderful meal by our very own Evan. it was so good!

Who doesn't love to make cookies. Evan is cracking his own eggs.

Alex is getting in on the fun along with his friend.

Spaghetti meat pie!

And he wanted to try and make butterbeer from Harry Potter.

While he looks happy, he didn't really like it. :)

Now I have two kids that can flip pancakes.

Mike got another crazy game for Christmas. Oh the things I do.

The snow was blowing around one day when we were heading to swim class and it make a halo around the sun with rainbows.

Who can resist the fruit rainbow?

Another breakfast with Geoff, always a wonderful time.

Finally we can break the Wish Bone from Thanksgiving.

Better luck next year Alex.

Evan was having issues eating because of a loose tooth. So we took him to the dentist and they removed it. He just looks so funny all gassed up.

Here he comes tooth fairy. 

We got about 6 inches in the great snow fall last week. The snow blower just ate right through it. 

Droopy trees make for good forts. 

I've gotten into sourdough over the last month. So far... it's going ok. 

Alex also lost a tooth this month.

Keeping the tooth fairy busy.


Keeping Busy is our middle name

We joined some friends for bowling, turns out the boys really enjoy it. Evan is already perfecting his form. Eliza tries really hard to get ...