Monday, February 11, 2019

So many snow days

I'll miss the day when I don't have little people that are excited to see the garbage truck come.

We've been cleaning out the office to make it Eliza's room, and I've been finding my MOPS jewelry and Eliza wanted to try it all on.

Eliza joined me on a doctor visit. It was a new doctor, and I did not enjoy it. She was not very nice, and when Eliza dropped her snack (we had to go at lunch time) all over the floor the doctor was less than impressed. So I felt I had to clean up the fish crackers in my gown that was too small so I'm exposing myself  while Eliza is screaming in my ear that I'm taking away her snack, and the doctor just keeps asking me questions. Very annoying! However, the results from my physical were good other than I'm overweight (no surprise there).

The kids enjoying their RC cars outside. Both boys came in with axles that needed mending. 

Morning Smiles. :)

Super Eliza! Ready for bath.

Evan and Eliza ready to head outside...

I had to yell at them because when I went to check on them they had gone into the front yard and headed down the street following the kitty cat tracks they found. We had a talking to after that. 

I filled my bowl a bit too full with soup, so this is me sipping off the top layer. Yum! Broccoli cheese. My homemade bread is in the back ground.

We had some game time with Oma while the boys played the Wii.

Our neighbors invited us over to sled on their hill... Alex was kind enough to carry Eliza over in the sled.

It was a great hill... if only it was longer at the bottom. You really couldn't avoid going into the woods.

The boys found a bag of Konnex (sp?) and were building all kinds of things.

We visited with Aunty Em and Uncle Joe this month. They also had a fun sledding hill, even with it being freezing outside. Uncle Joe let both the boys ride on the snowmobile with him, and also gave them rides on a sled behind it. Alex loved it.

A game of Uno with Aunty Em. (mike was near Lake Michigan taking pictures of the eclipse) 

The boys admiring how bright the moon was when we got home.

Aunty Em made all the kids blankets and pillows for Christmas. They love them and sleep with them every night.

The kids were asking why the moon was back after the eclipse so I had to give them a lesson in how eclipses work.

The kids love their free cookie at Meijer.

So long long ago I accidentally closed Eliza's finger in the door to the garage (when she leave she runs her hand along the door and into the door jam). Well her nail finally decided to fall off. :(

With the ice storm this month I had all the kids home on a Tuesday. So we made colored cookie dough to make cookies.

Which we baked

They turned out GREAT!

And tasted good too.

Alex gets so sweaty during naps. 

Eliza gave herself a black eye some how outside.

The crazy playroom! This is my life!

Eliza and Kitty enjoying sitting by the window on my elliptical.

Eliza, Evan and I decided to head to the library this month. We have such a great library.

Evan was helping Eliza learn her alphabets by handing her the letter and saying it before putting it in the puzzle.

Alex had his first playdate with one of his friends from school. They made their own pizzas for dinner.

The kids needed to go outside and enjoy the snow before it got to cold to enjoy. So they where outside until after 6 playing. Eliza was only upset at the end.... not sure why.

Evan got a new car seat and Eliza moved into Evan's and Alex moved up into the middle row. So everyone got a change, and everyone seems happy. No more rear facing kids. :(

I love these glasses. :)

Eliza impressed me by getting everything out on her own and then even cooked up some food and used her spatual to get the food out of the pan she was cooking it in.

We've been driving Alex to the bus stop lately, either because the snow was too deep, the sub is too icy, it's too cold... what have you. But the kids are enjoying being able to be in the front of the car. There is no button that hasn't been touched.

Eliza is such a silly girl. She decided to ride her horse like this one night.

On another snow day we filled water ballons with water and food coloring. This was when we had the polar vortex.

Then we played twister

Made cookies

watched a movie

We opened the balloon too early for the green one, it ended up leaking out all over the deck.

Eliza enjoying a cookie after lunch.

Alex read me a book

They made bracelets 

Ta da

Eliza enjoyed some hot cocoa

She also had to get the last bits of the ice cream (why would they want ice cream when it's -45 out?)

Mike introduced the kids to static electricity with balloons.

The boys loved it!

On day three of polar vortex we were told we had to keep the house at 65 because of an issue at a pumping station for natural gas. So we built a fire and spent most of our day in this room. Our kitchen was 50 degrees, so we didn't stay in there much. The kids are doing their 'homework' here.

Alex put his glasses on his doggy

Eliza's first time eating milk with cereal

We were able to go see a game that Davey was playing at.

The place Davey was playing at was really neat.

We all went to lunch at Cracker Barrel after the game, it took FOREVER!

Some cool kids. Eliza peed on her pants before we had to leave to get Evan so she is in her snow pants in this picture because I didn't have time to get her real pants. 

The count down to the boys and Me leaving for England is on the calendar. Also on the calendar is everyone's birthday but Mike's. When we made the travel plans Evan came down from naps and we told him we were going, and he came in from playing outside and he asked if it was time to leave for England. So we made a count down. :)

The kids decided to slide down our neighbors driveway because it was covered in Ice and she's in Florida. They had such a great time.

We built a fort in the library

Evan recreated an old picture with raspberries.

I attempted to make pretzels for my first time and stuffed them with cheese and ham. I'll be making those again.

Eliza is just tall enough to get her gummies from the counter. 

Mike has been busy building things for the kids. He made a 4 level house for them out of duplos and a large marble run as well.

My MOPS group did a fund raiser for a friend of mine who's husband just got diagnosed with cancer. These were my contributions to it. It was a busy morning.

Mike brought a bunch of new books home from the library and one had a CD with Robin Williams narrating. Everyone but Eliza were very interested. 

Evan writing his name on his valentines, Eliza practicing her penmanship...... 

And Alex working on his math book from school.

Everyone loves chap-stick in this house. And Eliza loves the spiderman slippers that the boys got from people at church. They are size 2 in boys, and Eliza is size 8 in toddlers but she loves them.

The kids helped me with the snow removal this morning before preschool

Eliza loves her cozy coop

Evan was shoving 'snow gas' into the mower to "vacuum" the driveway. 

Eliza looks pretty adorable in the astronaut costume.

Some times times I give the kids airplane rides after their baths

We all still fit in our bed

Evan's crazy hair after baths

Alex likes me to paint his face with the moisturizer before rubbing it in.

The kids have been pushing each other back and forth in the kitchen to the library in the dump truck. Oh the fun we have in this house before church.

Keeping Busy is our middle name

We joined some friends for bowling, turns out the boys really enjoy it. Evan is already perfecting his form. Eliza tries really hard to get ...