Monday, April 15, 2019

Big Birthday Month

First time on a bus for Eliza and Evan as we traveled to our first school event together, the Shake Your Shamrock at Alex's school.

Each kid got a light up foam stick

We took a tour of the school and had a family picture taken. It was really crazy with all the kids running around with no parents watching them, but our guys had a good time. 

We finally have one of two doll houses of Eliza's up and running. This one was built for me by my Grandpa when I was a girl. The Wade family filled it with new furniture, and the kids love playing with it. The first thing Eliza wanted to do with her dolls was make them go poop on the toilet. 

Uncle Geoff came over for breakfast this month.

He even stayed to play games with us, and chat for a while. He also took the kids and me for a ride in his Jeep. Very exciting!

We wore our green for St. Patrick's Day. Sasha, a boy at church that the kids adore, has been helping Evan follow along in the hymnal. 

Alex made sandals at Sunday School

A better look at them

Alex has taken to pushing Eliza in the stroller to the bus stop in the morning. He has to borrow my gloves because his hands get cold, but I don't mind.

I traced each of the kids...

And they got to color their bodies. These were put up for decorations at the birthday party.

This is a common seen in my house. Every kid sheds their socks at some point, thankfully I've trained them for the most part to at least put them on the stairs. 

The kids helping me make their birthday cake.That was a messy organized counter. 

Alex had been requesting Bagger Dave's (AKA the train restaurant) so we finally made it there. However, their train was broken down so we didn't get to see it. :( I kept wishing the Wades were with us to fix it for them. They said their train man never showed up to fix it the week before.

After eating we went to DQ... where I found out the Nerd Blizzards are no longer a thing, and haven't been in a long time?!?!? But we got the kids ice cream to congratulate Evan on not peeing in his diaper in the night. And now Evan is diaper free!!

The completed cake. Each kid got their own little house, and Evan placed the flowers. The trees were made from the bottoms of ice cream cones and frosting.

Getting ready to open gifts

Party People

More party people

More party people

And the final party animal

Eliza had a great time opening gifts. She's playing with her colorful streamers she got for her birthday in this picture.

Alex read Evan's cards to him

Getting ready to light the candles.

Time to blow them out

Aunt Jamie playing with Eliza and her new Cat dolls. Eliza took her upstairs after this picture to show her the doll house.

The boys enjoy a healthy game of battleship

Eliza and Evan laughing hysterically at the balloons before church

I thought she looked so cute crossing her legs as she got her teeth brushed

We enjoyed playing Alex's European Ticket to Ride game. Evan won, and he was playing the least amount of attention... might tell us something about how to play later. :)

Too cool for School

Dad came to watch the kids for me while I went to get my eyes checked. Super helpful! Now the new glasses hunt begins.

I love this kid!

Evan's first trip to the dentist. He did great! We just need to floss more.

Evan and Kitty waiting with me for some middle eastern sandwich for lunch.

New Rocket blaster maiden voyage.

We met up with Dad and Jodi for dinner and a birthday shopping trip for the kids. After which we headed to their place to hang out for a bit. 

Evan really enjoys their reclining chairs. 

Alex and Evan have been getting really good a putting together legos all on their own. They each got a set from Grandma and Grandpa for their birthday.

Eliza loves her "Dolly House"

My kids are really blessed with having people that care about them. The lady at Meijer that we see every week and gets hugs from the kids gave them each a small gift for their birthday. And this was the beginning of our first Spring Break week!

We headed to the doctors for the kids, but first we needed to stop and poop. Evan was not pleased with Eliza watching.

We had a few extra minutes so we went to look for glasses for me, and the kids of course needed to try some on. Alex was too busy reading a book to the glasses lady, so he didn't try any on.

I'm so grateful for the Highlights hidden object calendars we keep in the diaper bag. The kids do them all the time and man they can be a life saver. Sadly we are running out of months fast.

Both Evan and Eliza are healthy growing kids. Eliza and tall and skinny and Evan is perfect, but we may need to get him glasses at some point. Both the kids got shots, Eliza got her measles shot moved up because of all of the cases in the area.

After the doctor I treated the kids to McDonalds. 

They were pleased with their toys.

Eliza is sleeping in this picture. She didn't let go of her little new creature. 

We traveled the the zoo during spring break, and surprised Alex with bringing his best friend Zack. I didn't tell him until we pulled into Zack's driveway.

The new Penguin building is pretty impressive.  

On Wednsday we traveled to swim class where we got to spend some time with Grandpa.

Then after swim we headed to a park to play. It was windy so we bundled up and used our dinosaur gloves to keep warm. The kids would run up give them to me, and then 10 min later come and get them again, just to give them back in a few min.

Bath time butts!

Alex is a pretty helpful guy. Eliza is in the phase where she needs help doing everything, even things she could do last week. So... Alex is helping her finish her cereal.

We did our painting project that Aunt Jamie gave the kids.

Eliza got to color.

Alex got a cobra snake.

They all did a great job!

So I keep re-injuring my foot, and I didn't know why. Well turns out that one of the tendons was highly inflamed, and I have an extra bone in my foot, and an elongated bone as well. My mom came to take care of the kids so I could go to the doctor and get some help. I was really worried about it with the boys and me going to England in May. So for the rest of Spring Break we took it easy and played Wii.

and board games.

This is my hand every morning. 3 different toothpastes are used as well. :)

This sink is getting crowded.

Evan helping with the waffle making.

Red Robin Birthday dinner.

The kids still love the fold up mattress I got for us. It's great for bad dream nights.

Evan put a puppet show on for me. It was pretty cute.

Super Evan!

I love my rocking time with her. 

We've been riding bikes down to the bus stop to get Alex after school. This was a beautiful day.

The kids helped me start some seeds. We started beets, carrots, onions, cilantro, and peppers. So far the beets and carrots are the only ones popping up.

Spring flowers in bloom

I love these cool cats

So we had 3 wild turkeys in our yard for the first time. That was pretty neat.

While I was outside talking to some people about the trees on our property the kids were having fun in the house, but a little too much fun. They unspooled a bunch of thread around the house. They got my bathroom floor all wet, and bedroom floor, and put water in my antique desk drawer. 

And they also filled the diaper pail with toys and Eliza's hat and a wii remote, oh and it is broken... and had 2 poopy diapers in it. That was not a good morning.

Alex's Chocolate cupcakes with Dinosaurs on top for his Kindergarten class.

Alex has been asking and asking and asking for a watch for his birthday, he got his wish.

Evan enjoying his coleslaw at lunch with Nana. Some days this kid can really eat. He ate all of his french toast, a piece of my toast, some fries, and his dad's coleslaw.

Alex had two friends over after school on his birthday. He was so excited! They had a lot of fun.

Daddy and Eliza a breakfast with Uncle Geoff.

Another successful breakfast with Uncle Geoff!

Eliza talked like this to me for a few minutes before I go my camera out. She is such a goof. 

3 times during dinner this squirrel climbed up on our sliding screen door. The kids thought it was a riot. 

I grew them myself! :)

The garden is doubling in size this year, and I got two raised beds to put in as well. We got one built before bed this weekend. Getting exciting! The next morning I kept peaking out and thinking "WHAT HAPPENED?!?!" and then I would remember that we did that. :)

Game night with the my friend Michelle and her husband Mike.

The kids had a nice time at church this week with Palm Sunday and hearing about the stations for the cross.

Eliza went up front with the pastor for the first time this week. She did a great job listening!

Eliza watching Little Einstein

We got this suction cup toys for the kids and they love them! They are a lot of fun.

Eliza really wanted a GREEN ice pop

The boys learning how to play bowling on the Wii

These kids love their ice cream. They are getting every last drop

Eliza smelling flowers at Home Depot

Keeping Busy is our middle name

We joined some friends for bowling, turns out the boys really enjoy it. Evan is already perfecting his form. Eliza tries really hard to get ...