While Mommy's away the boys will play, and that they did. This is the robot man that Alex and Daddy built. Pretty cool if I do say so myself. :)
Alex would not give up the parm cheese and chili powder one night after dinner. He was taking them everywhere he went and holding on to them like his life depended on it. He was very sad when it was time for bed and the cheese and the chili needed to be put away.
When we are driving we never know if Alex is asleep or not so we use our camera phones to see if his eyes are open. This day he sure was and he was super happy to see himself. He's such a clown.
Alex finally started using his emergency hatch in his box fort.
Alex got his first skinned knee this month. He was running on the sidewalk outside the house and went down... he didn't even cry though. He just got back up and kept going.
We went to visit Oma a few weeks ago and went on the Board to Board walk in Dexter. Alex really loved it. He kept following Oma's lead. Pointing at things. Putting his foot up on the lowest rung to look over. Smelling things as he went by. It was a fun visit.
This is Alex and his second cousin at one of the Bridal showers we went to.
Alex is only 2.5 months older than Everett, but Everett has Alex by at least 10 lbs... so I guess he's getting in his pokes while he can. Everett can't walk yet, but once he does, this is going to be a riot at family gatherings.
Alex trying on hats at Meijer
Alex can crawl up on the structures at the playground now.
And slide down all on his own. He's getting so big!
He had fun running in and out of this thing too.
More hats at Meijer, but this one kept him entertained putting it on his head and removing it the whole time we were there.
Alex visiting Charlie and checking out her diaper. He's never seen cloth diapers before. Charlie is checking on Alex's shoe... seemed to have good flavor.
Alex has started dumping out his clothes from his laundry basket and crawling inside. This time he had to get out and go get his little black dog to play in there with him.
Alex has really been enjoying crawling in and out of this box as well.
Putting his feet up.
Clapping his hands.
Being a goof. :)
Alex likes to blow his nose when he gets tissue. This day was no exception.
Alex all dressed up and ready for church.
We loved the leather belt!
Alex giving Daddy kisses through the screen.
Alex on his first Meijer pony ride. He wasn't sure what to make of it, but I think he enjoyed it slightly. Our rule might be if we can't find a penny on the ground, he can't have a ride. We'll see how that goes. :)