Thursday, December 10, 2015

And They Just Keep Growing

Getting all dressed up for bed.

Alex has a whole new background to ride Sandy on. Festive!

Mike has put in some drainage by our garage and we got a yard and half of gravel delivered.  This was so much fun for Alex to play in/on/with.  Here he is shoveling it and filling the bucket I gave him.

Shoveling didn't last long. Next step, kick them all over the driveway and side yard!

Alex discussing the correct method in which to proceed with Daddy.

Evan just hanging out enjoying some nice weather. 

The team work begins. 

Alex enjoying some swinging.

Evan enjoying some swinging.

Ain't he cute

This one too!

Alex and Daddy working on clearing the driveway after the big snow storm before Thanksgiving.

We found the Thanksgiving hat for Evan and he found it quite entertaining to check it out in the mirror. 

Alex has started going upside down in his chair while I shower and he always requests a picture of this event.

Tree protection. So far so good.

Alex has advanced in his swim class so he's in the pool with just the teacher.  He likes Mr. Brendon and seems to really be enjoying his lessons. 

Who doesn't love a baby butt!?!

The girls enjoying some Evan time, while Clayton is rocking out on the Super Nintendo. 

Alex has figured out the ball run.

And he likes it.

We've changed up the seats at the table.  Evan is now in the high chair and Alex is in a booster seat at the table.  So far so good.

Alex ready for swim class with his new goggles. 

Lesson learned. Never leave a apple on the counter if you don't want your toddler to take a few bites out of it and leave it there. 

Visit with Aunti Em.

The Boys enjoying their bath.  They love it, and Evan is getting a lot better at sitting up on his own in there.

Evan LOVES standing, and he prefers to walk with your fingers.  Oh and today he took his first steps in crawling. So won't be long now and I'll have a crawler on my hands.  I'M NOT READY!!

Alex enjoying his cereal this morning. He thinks the milk is super yummy.

This picture sums up my life.  Alex is just a streak most of the time.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Little Guys are Growing Up

Alex's first day of Preschool. He was super excited.

Checkout my backpack!

Evan has started getting into the diaper table just like his older brother use to.  His diapers have a handy dandy handle that he can pick them up and shove them under his car and drive off dragging them all over the kitchen.  He finds this quite fun. He's also getting really good at maneuvering in it and Alex and him chase around the library and kitchen squealing the whole way. :) 

Alex got to see a firefighter and also got to tour a fire truck at preschool.  He was a little too intimidated by the fire truck, but he still thought it was super cool 

My tire pressure was a little low after grocery shopping so we stopped by Discount to get it looked at and I got this picture. I thought it was pretty cute seeing the boys looking at the cars.

Evan just decided to nap in the sun. I can blame the kid.

Now that Evan is big enough to sit up in the carts the boys got to ride together at Costco.  Oh the fun!! (Yes Evan is in his jammies)

Alex got to tour the zoo and see the decorations for Zoo Boo.  Shaun the sheep even made an appearance. 

Evan and Alex waiting for the carousel to start going again.

Evan seemed perfectly content to suck on his piece of apple while Alex and I went on the carousel.  Alex had to ride the horse, even though there was a Stergen right next to it! Come on kid, branch out. :)

Alex walking through his first leaf pile.  I have a feeling it won't be the last considering we now have an issue keeping him out of the leaves. 

Evan giving me a big old smile.

Nothing is more sad than a little sick guy. Alex was hanging out with me one day and then he disappeared on me. Turns out he went to the couch, and laid down and fell asleep. Even Evan screaming in the kitchen didn't faze this kid.  Turns out he had a temp of 103, but it only lasted like 3 hours, thankfully.

Evan looking out the window in our room.

Alex comes into the nursery in the morning while I'm nursing and places the sheep that were my Grandma Manny's on the automaton and tells me to take a picture.  Note the stern look on his face. Can't say no to this kid.

Alex got to play with a beanbag toss at his preschool's Halloween party. I think his favorite part was going around and getting candy.

These are some of the kids he goes to school with in their costumes. 

Bath time.  Evan is eating scuba Steve's foot. 

Mike and I both needed a picture of this cool dude.

The boys ready to go trick or treating.  Alex picked the pumpkin faces and I carved them.  Not bad. 

Brotherly love at its best. 

Alex pushing Evan on the swing.  Evan enjoyed it. 

Alex was slurping his pasta into his mouth and he said "Look Mama, Lady and the Tramp!"

The zoo crew.  We went the zoo with a friend of ours and her two little guys. Can't wait to see them when they get older.  This is going to be a fun group of guys. 

Evan was playing peek a boo with me by himself.  He'd cover his face with the curtain and then uncover it, give me a big grin, and then cover it again, uncover... etc. Lots of fun.

The boys drying their hair after swim class.

Evan has started to get into the drawers in the kitchen.  He's also be learning he can pinch his fingers. *ouch*

I just had to take these pictures. for some reason he just looked so darn cute eating his raisins. 

Mike built Alex a new train track. Pretty creative if I do say so myself.  He was also working on Evan putting balls into the ball run. Keeping these kids busy.

Alex has to get used to goggles because he's moving up in his swim class.  He actually wore them for an hour and didn't want to take them off, but I thought this face is classic. 

Alex and Daddy at swim class.  Alex is like a fish. He just loves it.

Keeping Busy is our middle name

We joined some friends for bowling, turns out the boys really enjoy it. Evan is already perfecting his form. Eliza tries really hard to get ...