Alex put on his Daddy's work gloves before church. I think they may be a bit too big. :)
"....what will I be when I grow up?..."
Alex still enjoying the mobile in the nursery.
Alex and Evan enjoying the library before story time.
Alex and Evan enjoying Cars.
Alex and Daddy at Red Robin. Alex is pointing out that he wants the Mac and Cheese.
My mom made me these awesome birthday cakes. One was german chocolate and the other was cherry chip. Both were awesome!!! I can't wait until next year.
Alex eating his cereal for breakfast. Notice that he's put Mommy's healthy cereal (shredded wheat) in the trash area.
Alex lined up his trucks and cars at church, and even hid some where the bibles go under the pew. We were worried we wouldn't be able to get them out because our hands would be too big.
The closest squirrel was about a foot away from Alex just before I took this picture. He was staring inside the house.
Alex enjoying Cars and Evan doing some tummy time.
Alex doesn't just line up his little cars. Now he's lining up his big cars too.
Oma enjoying some time with the boys.
Evan hanging out while Alex is getting his bath.
Alex really enjoys dumping water over his head. He finds it a hoot.
Evan and I one early morning. Figured I should get in a picture every so often. :)
Alex at touch a truck night. He wasn't too sure about it at first, but then he got more into it. I think next year he'll have a real blast at it.
Alex is not even as tall as the fire truck tire.
Evan enjoying some time outside.
Alex looking cute. His shirt says "It's not my fault I'm so cute God made me this way"
My boys enjoying a Red Robin meal after a long day of yard work.
Evan is ready to go to his cousins confirmation.
Alex lining up his grapes to eat.
Alex and Evan playing on the play mat.
Alex driving cars on Evan's belly.
The boys playing on the floor a bit.
Alex tried on these PJ bottoms and they looked like old man pants and went up to his chest. :)
Evan and Alex enjoying the mobile in the nursery.
Alex blowing bubbles.
Alex enjoying his fruit smoothie. Yum!
Alex crushing his Crown Vic with his monster police cruiser.
Evan at his baptism.
Alex driving trains with Daddy.
Yum yum fist. num num num num.