Here is the snake that is living under our front porch sunning itself. I'm not sure what to do with it yet, but I'm not enjoying seeing on my front porch sunning itself.
So a friend of mine decided she wanted our Japanese maple. So we dug it up and she took it away. Alex really enjoyed flinging dirt everywhere with one of the little shovels.
I've replaced the maple with ferns and three types of lavender. Turns out that area gets a lot more sun than I thought it did so the ferns aren't very happy, but the lavender is doing great. It's all started to bloom purple blooms. :) I'm thinking about putting in a clematis next year and a trellis, but we'll see.
The fam
Alex and Evan enjoying some time with Oma at the Great Grandparents house.
Alex got to ride on Oma's tractor. He didn't like it very much, but perhaps in time he'll be driving it himself. :)
Alex and Me enjoying some time outside.
Evan has really started smiling a lot more. He's also giggling when tickled. It's pretty awesome if I do say so myself.
Alex enjoying the park in our sub.
And he also enjoys his walks around the sub. Towards the end I always have to keep calling to him because of how far he falls behind, but it's all in good fun.
Evan and me. I think we may be related. :)
Alex taking a break from running around the yard. This was our trail run of the chalk on the driveway. I think I had more fun drawing than he did, but all in due time.
My boys enjoying some time outside after a long day.
Evan in his super cute outfit that his Aunt Teri and Uncle Gary gave him. I love all the pockets!
We got together with some of the people from our parenting group. There are three new babies, and two more on the way. Can't wait to get us all together later in the summer. It was interesting to compare notes with the rest of the parents about our kids.
A deer in the back yard with, I'm assuming, a one day old baby.
We got together with the Carter family to celebrate Jamie's birthday. The boys enjoyed spending some time with them. Alex really enjoyed stealing his uncles hat and throwing it around the house. It was pretty darn cute.
Evan really enjoys standing up. I think he wants to keep up with Alex.
Evan enjoying a short nap before his brother turns around and starts yelling.
Alex trying to pick up Evan. He's "Heavy" as Alex says. I weighed Evan today and he was 13lb 10oz. He's not gaining as fast, but he's still gaining.
Here are all the babies that were born this year in my MOPS group, and we have one due near Thanksgiving. Everyone gets to hold babies at our meetings, it's pretty fun.
Evan and Willow were born on the same day just a few hours apart. They had the same due date and they both came a week late. She was born in the morning and Evan in the early afternoon.