Alex's head pre-haircut. (Yes that is Thomas the train show on the TV)
Me and My boys
Alex enjoying his meatloaf and veggies. Look at all that hair!
Alex's first professional haircut. He did really well. The only part he didn't like was when he had the buzzer on him.
Alex enjoying his treat for being such a good kid during his haircut.
Evan trying out his sunglasses. He didn't mind them too much, and I think they look pretty good.
Baby face, you have the cutest little baby face.
Alex sharing some of his water with Fival.
Alex looking at ants.
Alex reading the morning paper (Brio Train catalog)
We bought a small house for Alex and Evan. Alex enjoys talking on the phone and making stone meals for everyone.
My thumb sucker in action.
Alex and Me at my cousins wedding.
Evan couldn't handle it. He had too much to drink.
We finally set up the pool for Alex. When I turned my back to fill up his water table he jumped in clothes and all. His diaper weighed 15lbs by the end of his fun.
Alex enjoying some lemonade at Nana's house using a cup that his Daddy grew up using.
Alex looking for a plane.
Alex can now open the laundry room door and get the meter stick to fish out his toys from under the couch.
Alex went to the dentist with Daddy to see what they do. He was very inquisitive and did pretty well.
I tried the cute hat that my friend Kristi made for Evan before he was born. It still looks super cute!!
So cute that Alex decided he had to steal it and see if it fit him.
Oma and Evan enjoying some couch time together.
We pulled out the walker for Evan. Alex is loving pushing Evan around, Evan is not sure about it yet. It's just a place to spit up on right now, but all in due time.
We went to our sub's annual ice cream social and Alex got to see a fire engine. He was a little scared of doing much with it, but he did enjoy seeing them put on the lights.
Alex has been really enjoying his mini pool on these hot days. He dips his forehead in the water and comes up and he looks like a 50's greaser. :)
Evan had his first taste of real food and he hated it. Not sure if he hated the food or if he hated being in the bumbo and slouching forward the whole time.
Alex and I went to play with my cousins kids Norah and Everett at a place place near Plymouth. After a good time playing we went to get pizza and the kids walked hand and hand together. It was super cute.
More pool time fun.
Alex found a large frog in his play house. He thought it was pretty cool.
Alex and Daddy enjoying some time at their favorite restaurant and playing with Daddy's glasses.
So Evan is a full fledged thumb sucker now. So I decided to see if he would take a pacifier, turns out he did... so I'm going to hide them! :) It just looks to weird for him to have one of those in his mouth.
Brotherly love. Hugs all around.
These guys are going to be best buds I think.
Alex and I found a great playground near us. Alex loved it and there was so much to do.
Alex has been playing "Peek a boo" with Evan lately. It's super cute.
The boys enjoying a great summer day.
Evan watching some swinging action.
I have a picture very much like this when I was Evan's age. Isn't he cute.
This one speaks for itself.