Here are the boys playing at the library. The train tables are fun for them, but Evan just likes to put all of the train cars in his mouth, not so fun.
Alex put a hat on his clock. He was very proud.
Evan hates hats, hopefully something I will break him of, but he put this on all his own however it didn't last long. Ain't he cute!?
Evan taking a short walk with this walker.
Evan's 1st birthday cakes.
Alex is ready to dig in.
Evan enjoying his cake. Still not sure what to make of it I guess.
Proud mommy of a 1 year old cake lover.
Evan did pretty good at eating his cake.
Alex showing off his big belly.
Evan freshly diapered.
The boys waiting to get in the bath. They both love their bath time.
Evan pushed the kid chairs around Firestone the whole time we were there for entertainment. People didn't seem to mind too much with the rubbing sound of the chair on the hard floor.
The boys watching the action through the door at Firestone.
Evan loves going outside, too bad he has to bring his walker all the time. He's started to take a few steps on his own, but for the most part he just wants his walker. He gets really frustrated on the grass because his walker doesn't have the clearance for the bumpy terrain.
Evan taking a cat nap.
We got out to the sports park with the bikes a few weeks ago. Alex had a blast.
Evan did too.
There was a large black top area with traffic lanes that the boys went around and around on.
Alex took his hand me down McQueen car out for a spin. He was kind enough to drive his brother back to the house.
Can't get much cuter.
One of the first swings of the season. Both these boys love to ride on the swings. Alex likes to go "Real High" and Evan just doesn't want to stop.
Dinner with Nana at the Lob. Always a nice time.
Ernst Easter Lamb cake. Not bad if I do say so myself.
The boys enjoying a snack of apples. I love that both of them have the same expression on their faces.
Alex covered daddy with all the couch pillows then would sneak in, at which time daddy would grab Alex and tickle him.
Evan being silly.
Alex loves reading his books. Most mornings he's been up for a bit before waking me up. When we go in to turn off his light he has books all over his bed and floor that he's been looking through.
Evan did this in the 5 min i was in the shower. I have to move the stool over now because if I leave it by the door like usual Evan turns on and off the lights and fan while I'm trying to shower.
Evan enjoying some time outside in the cold. I love this little guy in the puffy coat.