So I downloaded the pictures 6 days ago, but got busy.. so here is this months blog, a little late.
Alex having fun covering Evan up with everything in the room. In this photo he just put a pillow over Evan's head.
Didn't get much from the orchard this year, but we did get some and what we got tastes great. Applesauce! Yum!
The boys watching Paw Patrol in there PJ's. Say that 5 times fast! :)
Evan has really enjoyed starting to put hats on. He comes over and puts a hat on and says "Cheese!!" and won't stop until I take a picture of him... or multiple.
When you're looking for the boys but they are being so quiet and sneaky in the box fort.
Alex and Evan working on their firetrucks. Making sure they are 'ready to roll'!
Alex at Preschool for his Halloween party. He's in the middle, only one not in the line, in the fire man suit.
Our pumpkins this year. Alex did not like the feeling of the pumpkin guts, so I got to do that job myself again this year. I think Evan will jump in next year.

The boys ready to trick and treat
Alex loves picking his Hawaiian button up shirts for preschool.
Alex has discovered the joys of video games. He plays Mario Cart with Daddy and I on the Wii. He can finish 3 laps in about 8 min and he keeps getting better. He asks to play every night, but we try and limit it.
Evan looking cute with Daddy's hat on.
Evan got himself stuck in the high chair. This kid stands up all the time, I've resorted back to buckling him in so he doesn't try and climb out or jump.
Evan being a goof with his apple. He left it like that for a min at least just wiggling it in his mouth.
Evan's first shake at Red Robin, he LOVED it!
Evan in a Daddy hat again.
Evan and Uncle Dave enjoying some time together. Some deep conversation happening here.
The only way to vote with two little ones. Put them in the stroller to limit their movement, and give them snacks to limit their mouths from moving. Only issue is Evan kept kicking Alex's seat... need to rethink for the next time. But we voted and they did pretty well. We even got a bunch of people saying "Ohhhh" when we left and Evan said "bye bye".
Heading home from voting Evan wasn't done with his snack, but he was NOT going to give it up. He drug that thing all around the play ground never putting it down for more than a moment. He stood on the steps finishing the content a half hour later and then, and only then, could I take it from him.
Alex wanted to get in Evan's crib. He almost doesn't fit anymore.
The boys having some time in the crib.
The boys are loving the leaf pile I made in the front yard.
It's large enough to bury their vehicle, shovel, rake, and we still haven't found the missing ball.