Alex showing his outfit off for church.
Alex did all the hand gestures for "Away In the Manger" with his preschool and Sunday School counterparts. It was super cute.
The boys didn't really find shopping at Meijer for the 3rd time that week very fun. They were done.
Alex and I made a ginger bread kit *using a kit*. What I realized is, put the ginger bread house in a container while using sprinkles, else you will be finding them for months. Also, when competing for time with Mario Cart, decorating takes a backseat. Even with that I think it turned out pretty good.
So we were sitting at dinner and Evan kept lifting his shirt over his head and rubbing his belly while watching the TV. He thought it was great fun.... I was not amused.
Alex's first snow flake. He didn't really like cutting with sizzors on such thick paper, but he finished and I think he did pretty good.
Here are the rest of the family snow flakes. Everyone made one... Alex top right, Evan Top Left (He may have had a lot of help), Daddy Bottom right, Me bottom left.
Alex all dressed up in his Chase (from Paw Patrol) outfit he got at the Ernst Family Christmas. He has been wearing the cape everywhere.
Alex helped me cut out and decorate our sugar cookies this year. That's all I felt like making this year. One batch of sugar cookies. I wasn't really wanting to do my normal bake-a-thon. Which isn't a bad thing considering my waist doesn't need it.
Here we are at the Baker family Christmas. Always a nice time and the boys got lots of fun gifts.
This is Mike helping Evan open one of his gifts.
The boys were done taking pictures with Mommy. With not really napping, not really eating, and being kind of crazy... they were not very agreeable.
Here is my mass of boxes to recycle from amazon and other sources. It's amazing Mike got all of these in the recycle bin for pickup one week.
The boys playing with their new firetruck from Grandma Jamie and Grandpa Bart.
The day after Christmas day we headed to the Wades house. We got to see them quite a few times while they were home visiting. We were so happy to be with them and share time with them.
Clayton all bundled up.
Dave looking happy.
Mom and me smiling for the camera! :)
Mike got a new hat for Christmas. He made it himself. Very classy.
After the gift opening the kids went downstairs to have a dance party. Clayton set it all up and he had a strobe light and different color lights going and a dance floor with a Christmas Lights boarder. The boys had a blast and did NOT want to leave. Now they have dance parties every time they can get at home.
After the dance party was exhausted we sat down to a board game that Mike got for Christmas that dealt with building rail rode tracks across america. Ticket to ride I think was the name. It was pretty fun, and they learned as they went.
The next morning we awoke to head over to my dad's house and celebrate with them. We had a great morning with everyone and the kids had a lot of fun as well.
The boys have really been enjoying the hats their Nana gave them for Christmas. Alex got a conductor hat and Evan got a pilot hat.
We also moved Evan into Alex's room, which is now the boys room. It's been a bit of a trial because Alex goes right to bed at night, and gets up early. While Evan lays around in his crib talking, spinning and such at night for an hour and sleeps in. So we've had quite a few nights of walking up stairs to tell Evan to settle down, and having Alex come down and tell us Evan is keeping him awake. Alex is doing pretty well in the morning and staying in bed until his clock turns green then he comes into my room gets his Kindle with headphones and hangs out in the nursery with that for an hour while I wake up . They nap in different rooms for now because they are both not consistent in how long they nap.
One last visit with the Wades before they left again. A sad but fun time.
Evan sat with Clayton and played the piano for a while, it was pretty cute. I even got a little video of it. :)
Picture for future reference for size.
The boys got a trampoline from their Aunt Jamie and Uncle Dave. They love it and they are like monkeys on it. It's a great way for them to burn energy while in the house.
Alex at swim class being a turtle.
Evan as that same turtle.
Alex has been working with me on writing letters. So for Christmas I got him a dry erase thing that he can write letter, numbers, and shapes. He's been showing off his skills to me and his daddy, but he needs to work on keeping the marker off of clothing and couches.
Daddy has been under the weather a bit lately and Alex has been taking advantage of it. Nothings more comfortable than laying on a daddy.
Alex trying out his art isle for the first time. Think this might see more use in the future.
Evan eating his snack while we wait for the doctor at my appointment. I'm 32 weeks today and all seems well. Feeling a bit more uncomfortable as the days go on. Sleeping is getting more difficult as the kicks get harder, but I can't believe we are this close already. Mike and I are planning on Minivan shopping this weekend to make room for our new addition. Wish us luck!
Our second and final new couch came yesterday. Alex has said he doesn't like it, but I sure do. it's so long! So wide! It's like a bed, but it's a couch!!! Now we just need to get rid of our old sectional that is taking up room in this room and our library. It's sad to put it on the curb, but it's so broken now in places not sure there's another option.
Hope everyone had a wondering New Year and we are all looking forward to all the adventures we are going to have this year.