Sun bathing baby.
Alex working on his first works of art.
The boys were researching in their "Big Brother" Books to figure out how to be the best big brother of all to Eliza.
Evan playing some ball in the back yard.
Eliza bright eyed and bushy tailed at 3:00am. Got to love little babies and their sleep schedules.
First day back at the park. The boys are loving being outside in the sun again.
Evan and I went to get doughnut holes with some friends. Evan can fit a whole hole in his mouth at a time, and he ate 7 in one sitting.... only because there weren't anymore. This kid has a sweet tooth.
Evan saying good morning to Eliza, he wasn't as please with me taking the picture.
Happy Birthday to my BIG 4 year old! He got a happy face in whip cream for breakfast on a pancake.
Can't pass up a picture of a beautiful sleeping baby.
"So your my dad..., I like you and I'll be holding your hand a lot in life." - Eliza
The boys finally got cleaned up and got hair cuts. They look pretty good.
Cute kid alert!
Oma enjoying some time holding Eliza, giving me a nice break.
Easter Bunny Boys
Aunt Jamie getting some Eliza time
Nana getting some Easter time with Eliza.
Evan driving trains with his engineering hat on. He's really liking his new train track.
Swim class fun with Grandma and Grandpa.
Uncle Geoff finally got to meet Eliza, and she approves.
Crazy monthly breakfast with Uncle Geoff and TJ.
Not sure why the kids always start off with putting their glasses on upside down. Not to mention he puts time on his ears, not over.
The play structure is almost up and going in this picture, but Mike is still having issues keeping the boys off it.
When we go to dinner Evan doesn't really eat a meal, so normally we just get side dishes for him. Lately we've just been ordering him french fries, fruit and pickles. You can bribe Evan to eat something with pickles he likes them so much. He finished off a jar at home once and I went to dump out the brine and he yelled at me "DRINK! DRINK!". Crazy kid.
Look who's into Mobiles already. :)
Evan has started lining up all of his vehicles like Alex used to do.
Cool guy 1
Cool guy 2
The boys hanging with Eliza. They really love her.
Evan likes to share his swim class snacks with Grandpa. Grandpa approves of this, and I've started packing extra for the two of them.
Freshly washed baby.
Evan getting some kindle time for once. Sadly I didn't know the volume wasn't up for quite a while.
Just insert a beer.
My Ex-coworker and Mike's current coworker came to visit. The boys had so much fun with their new cars.
She also took Eliza off my hands for the better part of the evening. :)
Evan has had some really great sleeping positions at nap time lately.
The boys in their new raincoats from England with trains on them. Ready for preschool!
Alex working on his letters. He's really doing well with them.
My pretty girl.
The ducks are back again this year. The boys wanted to get a closer look.
Grandpa came to stay with us for a night and Eliza got some cuddle time in the morning.
Eliza trying on some extra hair. Nothing like a comb over.
Evan with pigtails. :)
Spiderman with Pigtails. :)
Alex has been asking for MONTHS for ice cream, so he finally got his wish. I'm sure after this visit Evan will start asking too.
All dressed up for church.
Alex went to Mike's work this year for take your kid to work day.
He got to see his desk and a few other things that can't be pictured. All in all he had a great time and keeps asking to go back.
I can't believe they were still long enough to get this picture!