Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Summer has come to an end

Eliza finally got to get in the pool this year. She looks so cute in her little pink outfit.

Eliza and Mike enjoying a birthday party

Evan is still really loving puzzles

My babies

Look who found her feet and thinks her big toe tastes great

I couldn't find a coat that fit her as we were heading out one cool morning, but this one looked pretty cute.

Her hair is starting to come in, but the bald spot is still pretty bald.

Daddy showing Eliza his phone

There is something so cute about babies sleeping

Impromptu road trip up north.  Mike texted me one morning and said "want to go to lake michigan?" and off we went.

We stopped at a park in Bay City to nurse and stretch and eat dinner

We might need to start getting two rooms. It was a bit tight with a crib, swing and two beds.

We made it to the beach nice and early. Second ones in the parking lot. We walked out to the lighthouse, then flew some little kites....

Mike and the boys built a sand castle.....

Eliza had her feet in Lake Michigan for the first time.

Evan and Alex had a great time playing in the water for over an hour.

Then they found this giant slide to go down. It was huge and steep.

Family Picture!

The boys all cleaned up and de-sanded being carried to the car.

After lunch we went to this playground so the boys could play while I nursed. Turned out to be a really awesome playground. It was right by downtown Manistee.

We also visited Grandpa Bart and Grandma Jamie while we were in the area. Bart held Alex when he was 4 months old, and now Eliza at 5 months. Bart introduced the boys to the chickens and showed them the eggs that he got from the chicken coop. 

I finally made it back to the Chuckwagon after about 10 years. They make doughnuts that are the size of your head and taste awesome! 

This was in Lansing heading home. Evan's expression tells you everything. 

Eliza fell asleep at a work picnic and Mike got this cute picture

Alex and his "Pirate Ship"

Eliza all ready for church

The boys have started helping me feed our neighborhood cat.

The boys being cute at church

Alex in Daddy's glasses

Evan in Daddy's glasses

We went to Home Depot and all the kids fit in the cart.

And everyone had a cute view.

Mike made a new train track for the boys, Eliza was very impressed.

Eliza tried solids for the first time. She didn't hate it... or love it.

Alex the train conductor.

Brotherly Love

The boys have started to want to pick out their yogurt in the morning

Eliza loving her daddy

Evan got to try out swimming class at a new swim place with Alex, he loved it. Think we'll have another fish on our hands.

Putting the boys to work at a young age. Alex went out and got the recycle on his own, and I went to get the garbage and Evan wanted it. Not bad. :)

And to finish out the summer we headed to the Saline Fair with Oma. Got to see Great Grandpa's Avery tractor.

At the fair it was touch a truck so the boys got to get on a bus for the first time and Alex got to drive.

They got in a large snow plow and Alex loved blowing the REALLY LOUD horn.

Evan looking cute

They got to pose with a road grader

And ride some rides

More Rides

Evan is getting better at driving the power wheel, Alex refuses to ride with him... i think it's because of all the crashes.

Finally got the swings up on the playset

We visited with Nana this past weekend, which is always nice.

We also headed out to Grandpa's farm and picked apples

Yum apples!

The boys sat on the swing where I have swung many years ago

What do you do when you have apples, you make applesauce and can it! Along with some pickles and bake some cookies. One hot kitchen I tell you

Alex had his first day of preschool today. From what he's told me he had a GREAT time. 

Keeping Busy is our middle name

We joined some friends for bowling, turns out the boys really enjoy it. Evan is already perfecting his form. Eliza tries really hard to get ...