Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Life is just amazing

Eliza loves to fly. She giggle so hard when Mike does this. 

We had a few bug visitors this year. This is a stick bug that I just happened to see as I was walking back in from the bucket garden. Haven't seen one of these in 20+ years.

Eliza being cute.

My best friend Emily got married this month, and we were fortunate enough to spend that day with her. Alex brought her some white beads. He told me that "You're married when you wear them." so he brought Anti Em some for her wedding. 

Evan didn't really get how the chair worked.

Mike and Evan taking a break from the activites.

Dad and Eliza enjoying the sunset together. 

Alex got some special dancing time with the bride. She looked just lovely that day. The whole wedding was just wonderful and again we are so happy we got to spend that day with her. 

Uncle Geoff got a lift kit on his Jeep, so the boys decided to take a spin around the block in his jeep. They had a great time.

Then we were off to dinner and got this great photo. They love their Uncle Geoff.

Don't let this photo steer you wrong, Evan was ELATED that he was going to preschool, he just didn't want to take a picture. He asks just about every day if he can go to preschool and tells everyone about his lunch bag (see photo below)

The boys with their heavy lunch bags. :)

I walked in to Evan sleeping like this this month. :)

I came back from my eye appointment to this. Evan had ran the power wheel up onto the only rock in the 200 feet near our house. Alex was trying to push him off the rock as I drove up. Had to pick the car up to get it free. Glad we got the 3 year warranty. 

Bug #2, we had praying Mantises on our back sliding door for about a week or more every morning. It was amazing. 

We visited with my friend Rasida this month. The boys had such a great time at her house. She was so cute in making a scavenger hunt around her house for some gifts she bought the kids. The kids kept asking when we were going back. :)

Naked babies! Love Evan's belly in this photo. 

Eliza is ready to swim!

Daddy getting some cuddling time with the kids.

Eliza finally fits the hat that my OBGYN gave me when she was born. 

One day after dropping off Alex to preschool Evan asked to stop at the park. So we did and he gave Eliza a nice big push.... that I slowed and put straight. 

My dad came to stay for two days while Jodi was away. He got lots of cuddle time with the boys and Eliza. 

We spent the most wonderful day at Greenfield Village with my friend Sara and her family. Perfect weather. Here they are on the Merry - go - round. 

Sara and I chatting while the boys played. 

Alex, Evan and Jason soaking up the sun in the huge green lawn. This was the rare second they weren't running that day.

I love Evan's expression in this picture. He was asking me to fix his car. 

Silly boys.

Mom and Dave came up to share Dave's birthday with us. So we took him out to his favorite place to eat.

And what birthday is compete without cake? Note the table cloth, Alex and Evan are so excited about Halloween that I've put a few things up and every day for about a week they would run around the house and scream out "LOOK HALLOWEEN?" when they saw a decoration. :)

Alex decided to be a funny guy and put his pants on his head and run around. Eliza is not sure about it. 

Eliza was so tired when I got home one day she just couldn't stay awake anymore. 

She is getting around great in her little car. She's also learned where food comes from. :)

Another wonderful breakfast with Uncle Geoff. The boys were stacking everything they could get their hands on. 

You turn your head for one second and Eliza has the napkins and she's eating them. This girl I tell you. Her reach is amazing in this little blue chair. 

Eliza's first ride in just the cart and not her car seat in the cart. She was thrilled, Evan not so much.

Such a good big toe. Yum yum.

Cute picture with the kids while I was away.

All ready for church.

Eliza is getting some car time now. We are amazed the cars batteries have lasted since Alex was a baby.

Eliza has started rolling everywhere. Mike put her down in the closet and walked away for something, when he got back she was under his shirts eating them.

The boys blowing the last of the dandelions of the year.  

Cute sleeping baby.

Evan and Alex were driving a train on the carpet using it as their track. Alex is acting as the bridge in this picture. :)

Evan is not the happeist camper when he gets up from his nap. Some times you just need to let him be for a few mins. :)

We all went to our church Trunk or Treat and the boys had a great time. Alex is a SWAT guy, and Evan is an Astronaut. 

Eliza was a cow. 

Eliza doesn't really now how to drink out of a cup yet, but I've started giving her water like a Gerbil and it works pretty well. 

She's also not the cleanest eater now that she's on solids 3 times a day. She moves her head way too much. 

Pretty girl.

We went to Erwins to get pumpkins. The boys picked these ones out.

It was a bit too bright for pictures. 

Keeping Busy is our middle name

We joined some friends for bowling, turns out the boys really enjoy it. Evan is already perfecting his form. Eliza tries really hard to get ...