Evan making some of his great artwork at preschool. He is making a tree in this picture with a luffa.
I bought a bin with wheels for my MOPS group and the boys found it fun to give each other rides around the store before we bought it.
We headed to the farm to pick apples this month.
We got 3 buckets worth of apples from different trees. The kids were a big help.
Eliza and Dad walking back to the house.
Cider break. Yum!
Can't go to the farm an not climb the pole. So many kids, including myself, have climbed this pole.
Eliza and Evan looking at a frog that was hanging out on the toy house.
The kids are starting to learn some of the songs at church and sing along.
After school TV watching.
Alex had a Wed. off so he joined us for Evan's swim class. Grandpa was happy to share his lap with Alex and hear about school.
Eliza decided to climb in her portable high chair. Only issue is she got stuck, and she was screaming at me to get her out until I was laughing at her about her predicament.
Daddy thought it was oh so much fun one night to see Eliza carry 4 of her stuffed animals. She kept dropping one as she picked one up, classic comedy routine, but Eliza was not pleased. She was even more upset the next morning when she tried to carry ALL the animals she came upon and couldn't. She hasn't tried to do that since.
Evan drew himself. He's very proud.
Waiting for Alex at the bus stop.
Eliza loves trucks, tractors, construction equipment. Today she's watching a lawn crew mowing the neighbors lawn.
Eliza loves her brothers sunglasses.
Breakfast with Uncle Geoff. Always a good time. And this time the kids were drawing up a storm.
Everyone was out helping daddy with the lawn.
Alex was trying out Daddy's new leaf blower.
The kids all got new throw blankets. Evan got a wolf one, Alex got a white tiger, and Eliza got a kitty blanket (not pictured). They were all very happy.
Evan has started wanting to vacuum the house. He asks to use the real vacuum and goes to town. He even pulls out chairs and goes under the table.
So one morning Evan didn't listen to me to get his shoes on, and we needed to get out the door for the bus. So I left him and Alex and Eliza and I started walking. Evan screamed at me from the door for a while until he took off with no shoes running across the wet lawn and then down the road to catch up to us. So I carried him to the bus stop on my hip while pushing Eliza. So on the way back I put Evan in the stroller and had him hold on to Eliza. He hasn't not listened to put on his shoes since.
Alex has started writing out his full name.
So my car wouldn't start one swim class morning. So we had a tow truck come, I thought my car needed to be towed to the dealer, turns out it was a dead battery. The push start button cars don't act like normal cars when the battery is dead. So Eliza and Evan got a treat in seeing the big tow truck give my car a jump.
So as I was pulling out my car to go get a new battery these sandhill cranes came around the garage. They hung out for a while then flew off when the garbage truck came.
I met up with my cousin Jess at my sisters house for a bit so I could give her some stuff. So Eliza and Ed did some catching up.
I decided to let the boys try marbles for the first time. They really enjoyed it. Think we might try it again with a bigger circle.
I went on a moms weekend this month up in the thumb of Michigan. This is what I looked out at in the morning.
These are the ladies I was hanging out with over the weekend. All moms from my MOPS group.
I had some wonderful hard cider.
We skipped stones after lunch. I got one to jump 7 times!
And in the evening we played cards and put on face masks. This was my first face mask I think.
While I was up north Mike make a small leaf pile for the kids to play in/on/through.
Eliza looks so cute in her fire hat.
Eliza has started doing puzzles. She really enjoys them.
Oma came to visit us and played lots of games with the kids and shared some wonderful Dexter bakery baked goods.
The boys have started pushing Eliza to the bus stop and back. Alex pushes her there and Evan pushes her most of the way back. So helpful these kids are.
Eliza really enjoys drawing on grandpa's note pad at swim class.
Eliza really wanted to sit on the rock next to mommy at the bus stop, but Evan kept thwarting her. After a little cry I convinced her to share the rock with Evan, and all was well.
Eliza loves to draw and color just like her brothers.
Walmart has everything a growing kid would need.
Even monster slippers! Alex's has got some really big feet.
Eliza all ready for church, with her monster shoes saying "Grrrrrwww"
More singing in church.
Daddy and Eliza enjoying a lazy Monday morning.
Playing with Daddy is so much fun. They were passing a car through the mailbox slot.
We broke out twister and the boys are in love. We did learn that sticky feet are required for the slipper mat.
Alex during his fun run fundraiser at school yesterday.
Eliza and Evan were impressed. Alex ran 9 laps!