Late night snow shoveling leads to late night outdoor play. There was a heated snowball fight with the maple in the front yard.
All the kids headed to Evan's Vday party at preschool. We all had a nice time doing all the crafts and enjoying the kids sing to us.
Alex was kind enough to give his Vday candy bag to a preschooler who lost his, I was so proud of Alex.
Eliza is getting good at stacking things
We visited the library and they changed out the boat for a car. Eliza jumped right in and started to play. She gave her brothers a ride as well.
As always we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast with our handsome Uncle Geoff.
The kids looked like they were in the middle of a high stakes strip poker game, but really the boys were just hot from running around cleaning.
My goofy wonderful kids
They are such fun kids
Eliza enjoyed some down time on the trampoline with her Christmas light necklace.
The kids all enjoying a movie one day under Uncle Geoff's blanket.
Dress up day at the Baker house.
There has been a constant flow of kids into the bedroom in the middle of the night. So we've got a semi-temporary bed set up so I can have more room to sleep in my bed. Evan has been having a lot more nightmares lately. :(
Eliza is making her way to the big kid room at MOPS. She's loving the books and crafts.
Evan's been wanting to be in the baby room with Eliza, but now that's she's decided to switch so has he.
Eliza and Evan decided to take the power wheel out for a spin. It was funny watching them burn out on the ice.
Eliza took the wheel for a little while. She wasn't much for steering so once she ran herself aground, Evan decided he'd had enough and jumped out and refused to get back in. I guess I'll have to find time to get Alex in there with her to teach her the ropes like he did Evan. However, I do remember driving home one day and seeing Evan perched atop a large stone across the road from our house.
Our classic window toddler picture
We decided to have all our neighbors over for a "Winter Blues Party". It was a success I think We had about 14 people come and had lots of good food to enjoy. It's funny we didn't need to clean the rest of the house really, 95% of the party was in the kitchen. Thank goodness for a big kitchen table.
Alex was asked to speak in front of the School Board this month to talk about his school's 4 C's. He had to read a paper to everyone and did really great. He was one of three kids to get selected.
While Alex was reading to the school board Evan and Eliza were enjoying time with Grandpa and Grandma by getting dizzy on the office chair.
Eliza and Evan helped me make noodles this month for my Chicken noodle soup. Evan rolled the dough thin and Eliza cut the noodles.
Then we played some hungry hungry hippos.
Eliza and the boys sure love their ice cream.
A beautiful morning for a walk to the bus stop.
Eliza now fits in the SWAT costume. :)
Yum! Homemade blueberry muffins.
Oma came over to help with the kids this month. As always we enjoyed her visit a lot.
Alex is working on writing out sentences using different punctuation, as well as "Finger Space"'s.
Eliza taking daddy's food order.
She decided that she should finish his meal once he was done.
Such similar profiles watching the more modern Benji movie.
Fun drive to a friends house
We had dinner with the Van'tZelfde family this month, and invited ourselves over to their house to enjoy more time together. Always a delight to spend time with them.
Evan blinding Mike with his kindle in the morning.
Evan shared his raccoon hat for once with Eliza.
All three kids taking a rest.
We got 6 different puczki's to share this year from a bakery by Mike's work. Eliza just ate the filling out of each.
Alex did not care for apricot.
Evan liked a lot of them as well. My favorite was red raspberry.
Connect Four with the kids.
Alex has been having a gross red eye for a bit, so we took him to the doctor, and then to his first Ophthalmologist. He's got 20/20 vision and he didn't have pink eye.
Eliza caught Evan's stomach bug from preschool. She was having such huge liquid poo's that she was required to sit on the baby potty and watch TV.
She didn't want to get up one day. She was just wiped out.
Evan turned 4! And he informed us that now he can run faster and doesn't need pull up diapers anymore. He did learn to whistle this month, as well as Alex.
If there is a box in the house, they have to be in it.
Evan enjoying his new birthday gifts.
We visited Cranbrook for Evan's birthday. They were having a dinosaur display that we got to walk through.
They could make their own water vortex. We got a year membership so I'm sure we'll be going back again soon. They have so much great stuff to look at.
Eliza fell asleep on me on the way home from Cranbrook. She still wasn't feeling very well.
I made Evan 6 Vanilla cup cakes with green buttercream frosting for Evan's birthday. Everyone enjoyed them.
He got fake snow from his Aunt Teri. Man was that messy. :)
Eliza is also starting to climb. :(
She's such a goof.
Evan got his tonsils out yesterday (March 12th). He's doing mostly fine, better than I thought he might be doing. He's a bit low on sleep and I wish he was drinking more, but we'll get through it.
Eliza turned 2 on the 12th as well. She isn't quite aware of the change.
Evan the day after surgery enjoying a icepop on the couch watching his 3rd movie of the day. Evan doesn't usually sit through 1 movie, so that just shows you he's not feeling like himself today. We are a bit light on sleep today with me having to give him meds every 3 hours in the night. But he'll be felling better soon.