Eliza has a few curls when she goes outside in the humid air.
We had a movie party this month with the Wades and Oma.
Our movie day was a double feature.
Alex and Clayton had the comfiest spot in the house.
The forts are only getting bigger, but they are getting so creative with them.
You may be wondering why we are eating at the school table, it's because....
Mike replaced the chandelier in the kitchen with a fan light so I can have the air move in the kitchen when I have stuff boiling and stuff in the oven. I've been loving having it!!
We visited Oma and took a walk through her gardens. She's done such a great job with her garden this year!
She gave each kid a spin on the zero turn lawn mower.
I think Evan will want to mow Oma's lawn in a few years.
Eliza fell out of her bed one day, but she was so tired I found her like this when I went to tuck in the kids.
Our king sized mattress made it, but the frame still hasn't. So we kept it in the middle bedroom for a while and let it air out before moving it into our bedroom. Eliza looks so tiny on it.
Daddy and Eliza hugs one morning.
Enjoying our time at the Wades watching something on Shawn's phone.
Shawn hasn't had to feed anyone in a long time, and Eliza wants people to feed her still, perfect match.
We finally got a butterfly.
The kids set it free and watched it for a while.
It was so pretty. Hope it survived.
Dinner date with my friend Jenny. We used to share a 20 piece chicken nugget back in college, so why not do it again. :)
Off on a bike ride with the kitties.
More fort building.
Because why not.. :D :D
Evan reading to Eliza and Me one morning. He's doing so well with his reading and writing. He's going to do well in kindergarten.
Uncle Geoff took us for a ride in his Jeep when he came over for dinner one evening. Always fun to ride in his Jeep and visit. :) We've missed him.
Alex is on top of world.
Ready to go down the slide together.
We visited Oma and her kittens one day with the Wade family. We had a nice visit and a nice picnic.
Kitty fort
Just my cute Eliza
Mike offered to replace the lights in the kitchen for me so I could finally have a light over by the stove.
He did a great job. It's crazy to be able to see my stove now. I need to try and keep it clean now.
The kids had a new box to play with. So here they are decorating it.
And the kids are taking it for a drive. :) It was a boat, car and plane all in one!
Before and After. Left is last year, right is this year.
More kitty forts.
Eliza was dressed just like her dolly that Nana gave her.
Eliza loves to color and draw. She's going through so much paper.
We all got to enjoy the pool with Clayton one day. Eliza was comfortable enough to swim from me to Mike with her life jacket on. All the kids are doing really well with swimming.
We got to have ice cream with Uncle Robert as well. A rare but awesome treat!
Comfy first borns.
Evan with an Evan expression.
Eliza helped me kneed the bagel dough one morning. She's always willing to help me in the kitchen.
My MOPS planning meeting. It rained, but we still had a great time. Masks made the meeting a bit tough to hear people, but it was a productive meeting.
Grandpa came to visit with us for 3 days. We had lots of fun. Here he is racing Eliza to eat their oatmeal one morning.
The kids making a silly face for a book that they had to try and make the animal in the book laugh.
A bit of wine with my dad that I've been waiting to drink with him.
Baseball with the kids in the front yard.
Snail game with Eliza
We also had a visit from Aunty Em and Lila. Mike got to hold and feed Lila.
We all really enjoyed the visit.
Many afternoons look like this around here. The boys helping each other play the Switch.
Every week we do a morning journal and Eliza practices her letters. I think it will be fun to look back on next year.
Eliza is getting so big.
A wild turkey family came to visit a few times recently.
My crew at the park one day
They got to feed the ducks at the park as well.
Impromptu DQ visit. Yum! I think the first of the summer.
Kindle time in the morning in the big bed on the floor.
Both the boys were cold one morning and wanted to cuddle up with pink blankets. :)They were fine, I took their temperatures.
I made pesto this month. It's going to taste great this winter.
Oma's kittens. They were super cute.
Bedtime hugs