Just love Evan's expression in this picture. He found out at this moment that he stacked the deck against himself.
Alex has now lost 2 teeth.
Evan really wanted more Halloween decorations so I got a few more for him while I was at the store.
Oh the joys of brushing teeth.
Eliza working on a rainbow.
Eliza has been enjoying crafts while the boys are in school
Here is her caterpillar she made.
I got to enjoy a dinner out with a few friends of mine to celebrate my friend Sara's birthday.
Another wonderful visit with Uncle Geoff and he made all of us crapes with strawberries, mini chocolate chips, whip cream, and cool whip. They were amazing!
We had a nice birthday celebration with the Wades and Dad and Jodi for Shawn and Jodi's birthday.
We were lucky enjoy their slide show of their 10 day tour out west this summer.
Happy Birthday Ladies!
Love this girl!
The boys enjoying some Connect 4.
Pulled the last of my carrots from the garden.
Some did really well. I think I'll leave them in longer next year. I planted these in the spring and pulled them in the fall.
Daddy and Evan hard at work one morning.
Eliza keeping her mask on while drinking.
We got to Cranbrook for our family pictures. Here is a sneak peak of them.
The WB Parks and Rec put on a Park and Treat event that we were able to attend. Eliza was a Butterfly, Bat Princess. Alex was Link from the game Zelda. Evan was a Astronaut.
It was a bit chilly waiting.
The kids had to stay 6ft back from their buckets while the people filled them.
Eliza playing nicely while the boys are doing their school work.
The kids came home speckled in mud one day, Eliza showing her speckled face.
On our morning walk we got to see snow for the first time. My black hoody showed the snowflakes so the kids could touch and melt them.
Pumpkins are carved and ready for Halloween.
Lots of coloring this month with the kids.
Mike hard at work clearing the leaves.
Our trick or treating crew. The Wades joined us on our adventure. Only a few houses had candy, and most of them were on tables at the end of the driveway in bags. The neighborhood was mostly black though, and we were the only group out.
Still got lots of candy
Evan staying good bye to the baby car
Alex got this from Nana when he was almost 1 for Christmas. He hardly fits into it now.
Eliza enjoying some time in it.
Now it belongs to Lila my niece. She loves it and she's the perfect size!
Auntie Em and Lila had us over for a nice visit.
We got to fly kites and ride the bikes down the driveway.
On our way home from Auntie Em's we stopped by to see my Grandma. We got to have a walk around the building with her and sit outside and have a chat.
Eliza was dressed by Mike one day, and she was totally 80's.
The kids now have to do chores if they get 3 tally marks on the charts we have made. If they are mean, don't listen, throw something, etc, they get a mark. We had to come up with a system because the kids have been getting really stir crazy.
Mike took a week off work and decided to remodel the kids bathroom. Here he is breaking out the flooring.
We've been lucky enough to have him join us on our morning walks.
Eliza came in with a ton of purple chalk on her face, not sure what she was doing there.
More coloring
A drawing I did while sitting with Evan
Another drawing I did out of a magazine.
Eliza doing some water colors.
Floor is out, ready to paint
New plumbing going in. Thanks for your help Oma.
Paint going on, now we have a green screen.