Alex decided to try his hand at making pancakes. I'm a pretty lucky mom to have so much help.
Auntie Em made Eliza this amazing unicorn RC car. They even 3d printed a unicorn to sit in the driver seat.
The kids really enjoyed driving Lila's 4 wheeler while they were visiting.
The crew in action. Lila didn't want her picture taken so I said "all done" and she turned around and I could snap a picture of all of them.
Happy Mommys
Evan's feet have grown a bit since birth
Evan the sewing machine. He loves his little critters.
Help planting some carrots and beets.
Alex went to see if he will need braces in the future, and while we were waiting Eliza and Alex played with her horses and unicorns playing hide and go seek. It was pretty cute listening to the voices they used as they played in the small room. Alex didn't have enough missing teeth to get an evaluation, it would have been nice of them to tell me that the week before when we were there for his cleaning.
Eliza and I trying out water color painting.
Alex made dinner one week. Carmel carrots, and coconut fried chicken. It was sooooo good!
Ta da!
Evan working on another woodland creature.
Happy birthday to this wonderful boy that turned 9 this year!
The perfect shirt for this kid. A cat sitting on a pile of books sipping on tea.
Eliza helping me with Alex's cupcakes for his birthday.
Alex asked for Chocolate cookies with chocolate frosting.
Evan was selected to be of of the kids to go meet an author of some books at school. He even got a book signed by the author for being there. He got in the selection by reading all of the books on a sheet for the reading month of March.
Science.... crystal trees. These ones you color on and then it grows those color crystals.
They turned out pretty cool.
Lots of books from the library. We are all avid readers in this house. 5 bags of books
Annual Easter Egg scavenger hunt. Clues in the eggs to the next egg. Kids love it.
Eliza got her "Uh Oh Got To Go" turtle that you feed and it poops in the toilet. She loves it, but I do not love how the sand that you feed it scratches tables.
Eliza giving Aunt Jamie all the cars she has made over the time we haven't seen her.
Easter with the Baker family at our house. So nice to see everyone.
Eliza helping me do an experiment to see if the basil seeds I harvested last year were any good. The conclusion of this was that the seeds you buy have far better germination, but the green basil that I harvested had about 50% germination, and the purple basil had a 0%. I found that germinating purple basil on a wet paper towel had better results, but I still only got one plant with 40+ seeds.
My berry lover in action
Snow is April... well yes, why not! Eliza had a great morning playing by herself while the boys were at school.
The kids went to a fairy garden creation class while Mike and I went to dinner. They had a great time and really enjoyed making their fairy tree/area.
Mike was kind enough to get a ton of retention wall stones to keep the stones under the deck from going into the lawn. Not only is it functional, but it looks good too!
Everyone fits in Daddy's car to do errands as Mommy is out doing other things.
Uncle Geoff had a bit of an issue and hurt his leg. No worries he is doing much better, but while I was over helping out we also got some of his lilies planted so he can enjoy them this summer.
Finally got a patio set and can eat outside. First meal on the new deck!
I got older... it happens.
This is a picture of a weed in my garden. The plant is by my pinched fingers, the root goes all the way down to the bottom of the picture. This is a literal ice burg of plants.
Eliza got a special treat of having Mommy and Daddy all to herself one morning. So we took her out to lunch, which she loved!
Then we got frosties from Wendys... she had the best morning.
We headed over to the Wades house for some birthday celebrations for Alex and I. Lots of fun on the trampoline was had.
Evan made this wood owl box from Grandma and Grandpa.
He also made us some Caprese salad skewers.
He really liked them, and so did I.
My hero with a truck load of compost for the garden.
Evan found a really big stick.
Eliza is enjoying her unicorn embroidered pillow I made her. Actually, she said is scratchy.
Everyone was cold at Red Robin, and Mommy gives the best warm cuddles.... soooo.... Cuddly mommy photo.
Eliza came with me to do communion one Saturday and she came over looking like this. She then explained that when they are playing hide and seek they do this and move the babies head to look around for people.
My onions were a bit root bound, I'll need to work on this next year.
Happy Birthday, Oma!

Eliza enjoying the sun one day.
She's so great!
She used the light bright to make a unicorn swimming.
I got myself a bb gun. Took Mike out and we shot some cans with it. Man they are fun.
Evan is still a great cook and broadening his horizons.
He made some awesome biscuits for dinner.
Spreading the love of weeds
We got to go to Alex's school and they had a carnival where there were games, food, ice cream, bounce houses, so much fun!
50ft obstacle course.
The slide that Eliza didn't stop going on over and over and over....
Hungry hungry hippos. Evan did great, but the vests they had to wear really choked them when they got the pit for the balls.
Breakfast with Uncle Geoff! So good!
We got to see Clara in her dance show. She did an amazing job!
Eliza helped me with making cookies for the bus drivers.
They turned out pretty good I think.
Mike replaced the cabinets in the laundry room that were falling off the wall. Eliza had fun for a bit while we had it in the kitchen.
Happy Birthday to my Dad. We were able to catch them in the morning and have a nice breakfast together.
Jazz Cat
Eliza working on her math.
Garden is in and going
Alex's school has some structure issues and he got a day off. So he hung out with Daddy and I and went to Home Depot for dirt and then we took him to a pizza buffet that he really liked.
I decided I have been enjoying embroidery so I am doing more of it.
Kids looking good for Church to celebrate Pentecost. We were the only ones in red at church other than the Pastor. Evan wears his socks all the way up like this all the time. Eliza wears her socks all the way up over her pants.
Evan got to listen to his Principal read the Principal pick book he got at the book fair over zoom. Very happy little guy to read along.