Tuesday, July 7, 2015

I think I may be going overboard with pictures

Alex was sick one day and if you can believe it he spent an entire morning on the couch hardly moving.  He had a temp of 103 for about 12 hours, then Papa and Grandma Jodi came to visit and puff, he was feeling much better and wanted to go and swing!!

Alex getting some time to be close with his brother.
Alex is still enjoying putting on his fathers shoes.  Honestly I put on daddy's shoes as well.  It's kind of fun. :) I don't think you ever grow out of it.

"My name is Zork, take me to your leader!"

The boys getting some play mat time... in a different way. Chairs aren't usually included.

We finally made it to the zoo this year and we had some friends come with us.  Sadly we didn't take many pictures, but we had a lovely time dodging the field trip children and seeing all kinds of animals.

We finally broke down and bought Alex more railroad track, and he LOVES IT!  He loves destroying anything Daddy and I build, and then he builds his own deadend lines, but oh, is it fun.

Maxing and relaxing with Mama on the couch.

Me and my boys. I love them, even when they don't let me sleep.

Tada!!! I'm Mitt Boy!!  Look Ma they go past my elbows! :)

Daddy and Alex enjoying some couch time under the blanket.

And here he thought we wouldn't see him.  Silly boy, Mommy always looks at sales.

Mom... stop with the camera already.

Alright, lets see what this mat can do! (side note: aren't they just so cute)

Alex was waiting for me to finish nursing Evan one morning and he decided to try out all the pacifiers that I had in a plastic bag.  Then he brought in his chair and found my headband and put it on. I think this one will go up at graduation.

Alex tried out a splash pad that we have near us... he wasn't too interested.  I think we'll go back again and see what he thinks again.

However he did have fun swinging with his friend Amelia from MOPS.  She was soaked to the bone and would have gone for more if it wasn't time to go.

Alex enjoying some of Daddy's tunes on his headset he uses for mowing.

Here are my boys hard at work making the yard look good.

Evan is still working on his bald spot.  So far so good.

We finally put the jumper up and remembered that our door jams in the kitchen are too short.  But we did some engineering and figured something out so Evan could bounce.  He likes it as long as Alex isn't attempting to swing him around in it.

My boys.

Evan and Me enjoying some time at Aunt Shawn's house.

Mike requested a bike ride at a metropark for father's day.  So here they are ready to go.

He also got some play time on a play structure with Alex as well.  Happy Father's Day!!

The boys enjoying some time together on the couch.

Papa and the boys.  So far people are saying that Evan looks a lot like my dad.... I'd have to say they may be on to something.

Alex in the shirt he made for free at a park.  I think he has some growing to do before it will fit. He actually asked me to take it off because he couldn't walk up the stairs in it. He kept tripping over it.

Alex still very much enjoys watching the garbage trucks when they come.

We went to the Manchester Fair and Alex was afraid of all the animals and did not want to be in any of the tents.  The cows were too big and the lambs were too loud, but the bunnies were just right.

Evan didn't mind any of the animals.  He even enjoyed the bunnies a bit I think.

The boys enjoying some time at a local park.

So we've finally switched to brushing Alex's teeth with toothpaste for kids instead of just water.  He doesn't understand the concept of spitting yet, but he'll get there, but he loves his Thomas toothpaste.  He also has a stool so he can reach up and get his water cup and fill it... this is a good and bad thing.

So Mike killed that snake for me a few weeks ago, well another decided to take up residence.  This snake was met the same fate as it's previous owner.  I love my husband.

Alex has really started learning the advantages of step stools. He's getting out cereal in this photo.

Someone loves playing with his toes now.  If you let his feet out, he's got them in his hands.

So Alex really likes corn on the cob.  He actually was asking for it this week.  I didn't even know he knew what it was. 

Evan and Aunt Jamie enjoying the 4th of July. 

Mike and Alex doing some swinging.

The Baker family (/Carter/Uncle Larry) enjoying the 4th and the great weather.

We also went to visit Uncle Geoff on the 5th and he got to meet his latest Nephew. Always a good time.

Keeping Busy is our middle name

We joined some friends for bowling, turns out the boys really enjoy it. Evan is already perfecting his form. Eliza tries really hard to get ...